How to make money on YouTube without making videos - 5 Ideas

The following are 5 different ways with an additional tip on how you can bring in cash on YouTube without your face and voice.

How to make money on YouTube without making videos - 5 Ideas



1. Use Text-To-Speech Software As Your Alternative Voice

Text-to-discourse (Also known as TTS or perused out loud) is a program that can transform words into sound. This is useful for individuals who don't have a superb sounding voice or own a very good quality mouthpiece to record their voice plainly. how much does youtube pay

2. Make A 3D Avatar As Your Alternative Face

In the event that you are not sufficiently happy to show your face on the camera, what about utilizing a 3D symbol?

A 3D symbol is a virtual model of yourself that can address you on the web and permit you to make a remarkable internet based character. how to make money on youtube

3. Utilize Stock Footage

An elective method for making YouTube recordings and bring in cash without showing your face is to utilize stock film. It's a brief video that generally outtakes by others and can be utilized to embed into bigger video creation.

4. Bring in Money On YouTube Playing Video Games

Individuals love playing computer games, and they love watching others playing them too.

Picture of A gaming PC 👇👇 how to make money from youtube shorts

5. Bring in Money On YouTube Creating Compilation Videos

A gathering is an assortment of short and related cuts collected from different recordings. It tends to be anything from epic gaming minutes, sports features, intriguing TikTok recordings, bomb Twitch clasps to astonishing bits of music or even amusing pictures.

Or then again

You bring in cash from YouTube without delivering recordings by re-utilization of other makers' substance. YouTube has a library of recordings that fall under the Creative Commons permit. This permit allows you to distribute others' substance and bring in cash from it.

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